Sunday, August 24, 2008

Qatar Muslim Islahi Centre holds programme on Ramadan

Source: The Peninsula (24/8/08)

DOHA • Ahlan Ramadan, the annual programme held in connection with the arrival of the Holy month of Ramadan was held at Fanar Auditorium on Friday.
The programme was organised by Qatar Muslim Islahi Centre with the support of Fanar. Qatar Muslim Islahi Centre (QMIC) secretary Abdul Raheem welcomed the audience. QMIC advisory board chairman Shahul Vadanappilly inaugurated the meeting.
Dr K K Zakariya Salahi, a famous visiting scholar from Kerala, spoke on the deterioration of family values in society. He pointed out that man is neglecting the God, and is only seeking worldly pleasures. He reminded the audience about the strict laws of Islam in dealing with matters that strengthen the family bond, including respect to womanhood which include total rejection of dowry.
Another visiting scholar Omar Faizy talked on the subject 'life after death'. He warned about the unbearable punishments awaiting mankind if they lead an immoral life.
Abdul Haq Sullami, the famous Islamic scholar, noted author and writer from Kerala spoke about the dos and don'ts during the month of Ramadan. Zia ul Haq salafi, a scholar of Qatar Muslim Islahi Centre talked on 'Ahlan Ramadan'.
He pointed out that all the believers have to welcome the Holy month of Ramadan with great pleasure.
C P Moideen, acting president presided over the meeting and Marakkar gave away the vote of thanks.
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Saturday, August 23, 2008

No music videos during Ramadan

Indo Asian News Service

Thursday, August 21, 2008: (Dubai) :

MTV Arabia, the Middle East's version of the international MTV entertainment and lifestyle channel, announced on Wednesday it would refrain from playing music videos during the holy fasting month of Ramadan.

Samer al-Marzouqi, the channel's manager, said they would mark the month by airing cultural news programmes and the latest reality shows only to allow viewers to engage in quiet contemplation.

"Ramadan is a time for introspection and we would like to offer our viewers a break from the ordinary fare. Though part of a global brand, MTV Arabia is conscious of regional sensitivities and we are keen to respond to the needs of viewers in the Middle East, the vast majority of whom will be fasting and focusing on their spiritual lives," al-Marzouqi told reporters.

The channel will continue to play reality shows, celebrity news and pop culture documentaries. The newest programme during the month will be "Hogan Knows Best", which follows wrestling superstar Hulk Hogan in his lesser-known roles as husband and father.

As is customary with television channels across the region, MTV Arabia will air the call to Maghreb (sunset) prayer. During Ramadan, which is due to start Sep 1, Muslims are obliged to fast every day from dawn to sunset.

To follow Prophet Muhammad is to aspire to perfection in life

By Dr. Khaled Tawfik Saudi Gazette

PROPHET MUHAMMAD (peace be upon him) was an ideal human being in the full sense of the word. In every single situation or event, he sets an example not only for Muslims to follow, but for all those human beings who are seeking perfection.
As a human being, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) led a simple life void of extravagance, pomp, arrogance or harshness. This is why, the great Indian leader, M.K. Gandhi, said that what is so striking about the character of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is that he led a simple life although he could be the king of the world.
The Noble Prophet’s easygoing nature made his enemies get attracted and won them over to him. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was never seen frowning or dealing harshly with anybody, even if the person in question was not a Muslim. He (peace be upon him) was always polite and courteous with everybody including children and this is why the children in Al-Madinah were fond of him and used to hug him whenever they saw him walking in one of the streets of Al-Madinah.
As a husband, the Prophet (peace be upon him) was an ideal one respecting his wives’ points of view and helping them in the household chores whenever he had a chance to do so. When asked about his manners, his wife, ‘Ayesha (may Allah be pleased with her) said, “His manners were the Qur’an.” Scholars give different interpretations of this very subtle statement. Some of them say that she meant that he (peace be upon him) did perfectly all that the Qur’an said perfectly while others suggest that she meant that the Prophet (peace be upon him) as a human being was as perfect as the Qur’an as a Holy Book. In a nutshell, he was the embodiment and personification of the Qur’an in flesh and blood.
Even as a military leader, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) dealt with his enemies in a very humane way. During wars, the Noble Prophet (peace be upon him) used to order his Companions not to fight or kill a woman, an old man, a hermit, or a child, burn a house or cut a tree. These are the real manners of a real chivalrous commander. Whenever Muslims got a prisoner of war, the Prophet, (peace be upon him) ordered his companions to deal with him humanely. These values are what the modern world is proud of and calls them human rights enshrined in the Geneva Convention.
At the end, I would like to say that Prophet Muhammad’ s manners are the beacon to all human beings to find their way in life. Allah, praise be to Him, praised the Prophet’s manners in the Holy Qur’an, “And verily, you (O Muhammad, peace be upon him) are on an exalted (standard of) character.” (Qur’an, 68:4)

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