Tuesday, September 17, 2019

We are all born to help each other

When a person dies all his deeds come to an end except 3...

When a person dies all his deeds come to an end except 3...
1. Sadaqah jariah
2. A righteous who will pray
3. Beneficient knowledge

(Hadith Sunan Tirmidhi, 1326)

When a person dies all his deeds come to an end except 3...
1. Sadaqah jariah
2. A righteous who will pray
3. Beneficient knowledge

(Hadith Sunan Tirmidhi, 1326)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "When a person dies, all his deeds come to an end except three: sadaqah jaariyah (ongoing charity, e.g. a waqf or endowment), beneficial knowledge (which he has left behind), or a righteous child who will pray for him." (Reported by al-Tirmidhi, no. 1376; he said this is a saheeh hasan hadeeth)

Monday, September 9, 2019

Surah Al-An'am (Surah 6, ayat 125-137) - Sheikh Faisal Al Rashood

These giant umbrellas at Masjid An-Nabawi (the Prophet's Mosque) in Madinah, KSA protect people from the heat of the sun

Surah Maryam (Surah 19, 75-98) - Sheikh Muhammad Hady Toure

Surah Al-Najm (Surah 53, Quran) - Sheikh Muhammad Hady Toure

Surah An-Naml (Surah 27, Quran) - Sheikh Islam Sobhi

Surah Al-Qiyamah (Surah 75, Quran) - Sheikh Saad Al Qureshi

The beauty of Sujood

The beauty of Sujood is such that you whisper silently in to the ground, and it's heard up in the Heavens.

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