Sunday, January 27, 2008

When Allah showers His mercy on us

25 January 2008

I WOKE up this morning to the welcome pitter-patter of rain as it hit my bedroom window. I simply love the rain. It brings new life while both cleansing and refreshing the Earth. Living in the Middle East, which is often hot, dry and barren, really brings the rain's innumerable blessings to the fore.
Without rain, where would we be? Life on this Earth, as we know it, would cease to exist. Vegetation would dry up and humanity as well as animal life would be wallowing in misery. Truly the rain is a welcome blessing with each and every drop that falls from the sky.
It was only after extensive technological advances were made in weather technology that humans were able to dissect rain clouds and determine exactly how rain forms and is eventually released from the clouds. If only scientists had equipped themselves with the knowledge of the Holy Quran, they would have saved much time and probably billions of dollars. More than 14 centuries ago, Allah revealed much about the creation of rain.
Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran: "It is Allah who sends the winds, and they raise the clouds: then does He spread them in the sky as He wills, and break them into fragments, until you see rain-drops issue from the midst thereof: then when He has made them reach such of his servants as He wills, behold, they do rejoice!" (30: 48)
This ayah, or verse, from the Holy Quran clearly reveals that there are three parts to the miracle of rain. In the first part, the verse says that Allah is responsible for sending in the winds while also lifting the clouds, which modern science calls 'water evaporation'. Water evaporates from all the sources of water on the planet - oceans, lakes, rivers and even rain puddles! The water is literally sucked up into the clouds with the assistance of the wind. In the next part, the verse tells how Allah spreads the clouds and breaks them up. Anyone who has ever witnessed the sky right before a rainstorm knows that during this weather event the sky is roofed with a canopy of clouds. In the third part, Allah reveals that the shape of the rain is in drops, or tiny spheres, not triangles or cubes. It took modern scientists centuries to comprehend the shape of the rain yet Allah revealed it before man could uncover the knowledge! The rain clouds pass quickly over the parched Earth releasing their load of water. And the verse also mentions that the rain is strictly under Allah's control and it is a gift for whomever He wills to receive it. And whomever Allah does not will to receive it faces much hardship in the form of drought and starvation.
Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran: "He sends down (from time to time) water from the sky in due measure, and we raise to life therewith a land that is dead. Even so will you be raised (from the dead)." (43: 11)
The miracle of rain being likened to death in the above verse denotes the Power of Allah. Allah can raise the Earth out of drought and decay just as He can raise the dead, on the Day of Judgment, to stand accountable for deeds committed on this Earth.
The rain also revitalises us both physically and spiritually. The time of rain is one of the times we are promised that our duas, or supplications, will be answered.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "There are two which will not be rejected: dua at the time of the call (to prayer) and when it is raining." (Abu Dawood-Saheeh)
When it rains, we can visualise one of the countless ways in which Allah shows His infinite mercy to mankind. Seizing the opportunity to kneel in supplication to Allah during the rain is an excellent possibility to receive forgiveness and countless blessings. Allah-Willing!

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