Saturday, November 17, 2007

Meaning of 'Jihad' unknown to many

By Mohammad Hussain
November 17, 2007

The word "Jihad" arouses the images of sword- or gun-waving individuals or suicide bombers, bent on killing or getting killed.

The American Heritage Dictionary of English Language translates Jihad as "Holy War" undertaken as a sacred duty by a Muslim. Since Sept. 11, 2001, it has also become synonymous with terrorism. Neither is true.
The same dictionary also gives the meanings as "individual struggle for spiritual self perfection," which is one of the real meanings. Derived from the word "Juhud," Jihad signifies rightful strife, endeavor or struggle to repel evil. Such struggle can be of intellectual, mental, physical or material nature and is done only to win the pleasure of God.

The word Jihad is mentioned about 36 times in the Quran. It does not refer to fighting but encourages "to strive in the cause of God with sincerity and discipline" (Quran 22:78). Being an essential element of Islamic faith, it is earnest activity in scarifying life, person or property in the service of noble human cause.

The Quran appreciates the sacrifice of those "who suffer exile and struggle with their wealth and person for God's noble cause" (Quran 9:20) and permits struggle against elements that are inimical to the human welfare.

Contrary to the common perception, Jihad has many different forms; the least common is struggle by fighting. The brutality of fighting is contradictory to the actual spirit of Jihad. The most common or most difficult form of Jihad is personal as physical or mental struggle against self-temptation. Willingness to spend material, property or wealth for the common good is a valuable form of Jihad, or a person may endanger his own life in struggling to eradicate poverty or disease or to save someone from fire or drowning.

Educating people about disease prevention, awareness of clean and healthy environment, and other matters of benefit to society is considered an intellectual form of Jihad. Answering questions about Muslims and Islam or explaining the teachings of Islam is also believed to be a form of Jihad.

Jihad is misunderstood as fighting, which is just one type of Jihad. At the inception of Islam in seventh-century Arabia, Prophet Muhammad and his followers were persecuted and tortured by the people of Mecca for 13 years, but fighting was not allowed. When fighting was permitted, it was only to defend life, property and belief.

"Those people have been allowed to fight, who are being attacked because cruel acts have been committed against them ... for those people were expelled from their homes just because they said our God is Allah (SWT)" (Quran 22:40).

In the true spirit of the Islam, Jihad is a noble form of struggle against injustice, oppression, tyranny and evil. Contrary to the common practice and experience, fighting is not to satisfy selfish passions or greed. The Quran is very specific, "Fight in the cause of God and know well that God hears and knows all things" (Quran 2:244). The concept of Jihad, however, is misunderstood by Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

The word Jihad evokes connotations of acts of terrorism or suicide bombings in the minds of non-Muslims. This perception is reinforced by actions of a few Muslims who commit and perpetuate indiscriminate acts of violence and terror against innocent people. Such actions are a blatant violation of the true spirit of Jihad.

Groups of Muslims are committing acts of terrorism in the guise of Jihad to achieve political goals. Most such acts of terrorism today are committed in the name of Islam against the vast majority of peace-loving fellow Muslims.

Perhaps it is time that the majority of Muslims put their faith in practice and launch a Jihad against the so-called Jihadists who are blatantly flouting the spirit and the soul of Islam.

Dr. Mohammad Hussain is a pediatrician and a member of the Islamic Society of Evansville.

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