Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Truth About Robert Spencer: Leader of World's Most Intolerant Bigots and Satanic Terrorists

Below is the comment by a rational and wise American Christian by the name of David Matthews on Robert Spencer. I would say a vast majority of American Christians would be at the side of David Matthews who promotes peace between Christianity and Islam, not on the side of bigot and warmonger, Robert KKK Spencer.

Robert KKK Spencer is a classic American bigot. He wants to provoke a religious war between Christianity and Islam. He spreads all sorts of slanders, lies, bigotry and hatred against Muslims.Robert Spencer's followers want to trample on the Constitution so that they may trample upon the civil rights of American Muslims. They would deny American citizens Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech simply because they are Muslim. Robert Spencer's followers include such luminaries of American bigotry as:

-Tom Tancredo ("nuclear bombs on Mecca and Medina!"),
-Ann Coulter ("kill Muslims leaders and convert the Muslims to Christianity") and
-Michelle Malkin ("Internment camps were great! Let's put all of the Muslims into concentration camps!").

If you visit Robert Spencer's blog and other like-minded blogs (such as Townhall.com) you will discover that many of his followers are warmongers who wish to commit genocide against the Muslims. They would kill 1,000,000,000 Muslims as vengeance against 9/11. I am an American and a Christian and I find people such as Robert Spencer reprehensible. I see American Muslims on a daily basis and they do not deserve abuse from Robert Spencer or anyone else. Those who want peace live peacefully. All of this hatred against Islam is meant to provoke Americans to commit further acts of aggressive war and other atrocities against the Muslim world. Robert Spencer's followers repeatedly and explicitly declare their desire to:

* Fight wars against Islam
* Commit genocide against Muslims
* Deny religious freedom to American citizens who are Muslim
* Deny freedom of speech to American citizens who are Muslim
* Deny citizenship to Americans who are Muslim
* Confine American Muslims in Concentration / Internment camps
* Use force to convert Muslims to Christianity
* Nuclear bomb Mecca and Medina.

These are the things that Robert Spencer's followers express on a daily basis on his blog and other like-minded prejudice rags located on the internet.

Someone asked, please provide evidence of the 'slanders, lies, bigotry and hatred against Muslims' that Mr. Spencer has spread?
Do you really want me to do this? If I do it, I will have to say some really terrible things about Robert KKK Spencer. I will have to reveal his true character. I will have to speak about his middle name and how it wears "KKK" so very well. If you want to know the truth, I consider Robert KKK Spencer bloodthirsty warmonger filled with hate and religious prejudice. If you want to have this argument, we will have it. But if you love Robert Spencer, you will not. I have said enough evil things about this man already. Robert Spencer has an opportunity to redeem himself and he should take it. God has mercy upon the merciful. But woe unto those who would use Christianity as a motivation for perpetual warfare against Islam. God will send Robert Spencer's soul to eternal torment in hell if he actually acheives his goal. Robert Spencer wishes to provoke a war between Christianity and Islam. What he fails to realize is that Christians are not inclined to join his crusade. But if he continues to spread slander, lies, prejudice and bigotry ... I am certain that there is a minority of Americans who will continue to buy this sort of bigotry. He will make a lot of money and his message will likely kill plenty of Muslim civilians. I need not say anything else about this vile man.

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