Thursday, October 11, 2007

Chapters 107-111 : Surah - Sheikh Adil Hamed As Sabri

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
107:1 Have you considered him who calls the judgment a lie?
107:2 That is the one who treats the orphan with harshness,
107:3 And does not urge (others) to feed the poor.
107:4 So woe to the praying ones,
107:5 Who are unmindful of their prayers,
107:6 Who do (good) to be seen,
107:7 And withhold the necessaries of life.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
108:1 Surely We have given you Kausar,
108:2 Therefore pray to your Lord and make a sacrifice.
108:3 Surely your enemy is the one who shall be without posterity,

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
109:1 Say: O unbelievers!
109:2 I do not serve that which you serve,
109:3 Nor do you serve Him Whom I serve:
109:4 Nor am I going to serve that which you serve,
109:5 Nor are you going to serve Him Whom I serve:
109:6 You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
110:1 When there comes the help of Allah and the victory,
110:2 And you see men entering the religion of Allah in companies,
110:3 Then celebrate the praise of your Lord, and ask His forgiveness; surely He is oft-returning (to mercy).

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
111:1 Perdition overtake both hands of Abu Lahab, and he will perish.
111:2 His wealth and what he earns will not avail him.
111:3 He shall soon burn in fire that flames,
111:4 And his wife, the bearer of fuel,
111:5 Upon her neck a halter of strongly twisted rope.

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