Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Virtues of Reciting the Quran

by Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi
1. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that when anyone of you wishes to converse with his Creator, he should recite the Quran. In other words, reciting the Quran is like conversing with Allah Ta'âlâ. The wealthiest people are those who carry the Quran. That is, those in whose hearts Allah Ta'âlâ has placed the Quran. This means that there is no one wealthier than the person who reads the Quran and thereafter practices upon it.

Through the barakah of practising upon it, Allah Ta'âlâ grants the person internal wealth and external prosperity. Hasan Basri rahmatullâhi 'alayh relates that there was a person who used to constantly come to 'Umar radiyallâhu 'anhu for his worldly needs. So 'Umar radiyallâhu 'anhu ordered this person to go and read the book of Allah (i.e. the Quran). This person went away and 'Umar radiyallâhu 'anhu did not see him again. Later, when he met him, 'Umar radiyallâhu 'anhu began complaining to him. (i.e. he complained to him saying: "I was searching for you, where did you disappear?" When a person frequently visits someone and then he suddenly stops visiting him, the latter becomes worried as to where he has disappeared or what is his condition) This person replied: "I have found in the book of Allah that which has made me self sufficient and independent of 'Umar." In other words, I have found such a verse in the Quran through which my eyes have turned away from the creation and I have begun to place my complete trust in Allah Ta'âlâ. I used to come to you for my worldly needs, now what is the need for me to come. When mentioning the verse which he had found, the person was most probably referring to the following verse and other verses which contain a similar subject matter:

"Your sustenance is in the sky, and that which you have been promised (also comes from the sky)."

In other words, your sustenance and all your other needs have been provided for from Our court, so what is the need to turn to others?

2. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that the most virtuous form of 'ibâdah is the recitation of the Quran. That is, after all the fard acts, the recitation of the Quran is the most virtuous of all the nafl acts.

3. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that you should honour those who have memorized the Quran. The person who honours them has in fact honoured Me. And it is obvious that it is wâjib to honour Him.

4. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that the best among you is the one who learns the Quran and teaches it.

5. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that on the day of judgement, the parents of the person who learns the Quran and practices on its injunctions shall be made to wear a crown, the light of which will be brighter than the sun which illuminates your homes in this world. In other words, the light of that crown will be brighter than the light of the sun through which it illuminates your homes in this world.

If the person's parents will be accorded such a high status, what do you think the status of that person will be who practices on the laws and injunctions of the Quran?

6. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that the person who recites the Quran and thereafter thinks to himself that someone else has been granted a bounty greater than this bounty (the bounty of being able to recite the Quran), then without doubt he has despised something that Allah Ta'âlâ has elevated, and elevated something that Allah Ta'âlâ regards as despicable and insignificant. It is not befitting of a person who knows the Quran to speak in harsh terms with one who addresses him harshly and disrespectfully. Nor should he speak ignorantly with one who addresses him ignorantly. Instead, he should forgive him and overlook his faults out of honour and respect for the Quran.
In other words, it is necessary for the 'ulamâ and those learned in the Quran to regard the knowledge of the Quran as the greatest and the most virtuous. If they attach more importance to any worldly thing other than the knowledge of the Quran, then they have in fact despised something that Allah Ta'âlâ has elevated. And if you despise something that the ruler has elevated, it is regarded as a major crime. It is also necessary on those learned in the Quran to abstain from conversing with people in an ignorant and disrespectful manner because the honour and respect of the Quran demands this from them. If anyone behaves ignorantly with them, they should forgive him.

7. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that Rasûlullâh sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "The Quran is more beloved to Allah Ta'âlâ than the heavens, the earth and whatever is in between them." In other words, the status of the Quran is higher than the entire creation, and Allah Ta'âlâ loves the Quran the most.

8. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that the person who teaches a single verse to anyone becomes his master. It is not befitting for the student to abstain from helping his master at the time of need. Nor should he give preference to anyone other than his teacher if the other person is not higher in status than his teacher. If the student commits any of these acts, he has in fact broken one of the circles of Islam. In other words, by his doing this, he has put into Islam a great evil and abstained from fulfilling a great order of the Sharî'ah. The consequences of this is that there is a fear that he will be punished in this world and in the hereafter.

9. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that Rasûlullâh sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "The person who does not respect the elderly, does not show mercy to the young and does not fulfil the rights of the 'âlim is not from my 'ummah."

The person who recites the Quran and teaches it is also included in this Hadîth. The meaning of this Hadîth is that the person who has any of these qualities is out of the jamâ'ah of Rasûlullâh sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam and his 'Imân is very weak. It is therefore necessary to respect the old, be merciful towards the young, and to honour, respect and serve the 'ulamâ.

10. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that the person who reads the Quran, understands its meanings and commentary, and yet does not practice on it, has made his abode in hell. In other words it is a major sin to read the Quran and not to practice on it. However, ignorant people should not rejoice under the assumption that they have not studied the Quran so if they do not practice on it there is no harm. This is because an ignorant person will receive a double punishment: one for not seeking knowledge, and the other for not practising.

11. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that Rasûlullâh sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam was told: "A certain person recites the Quran the entire night but in the morning he goes around stealing." Rasûlullâh sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam replied: "Very soon, his recitation of the Quran will stop him from stealing." That is, through the barakah of this recitation, he will abandon this habit of stealing.

12. 'Alî radiyallâhu 'anhu narrates that Rasûlullâh sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "The person who reads the Quran, memorizes it, considers its halâl to be halâl and its harâm as harâm - Allah Ta'âlâ will enter him into jannah and accept his intercession on behalf of ten persons from his family who were originally condemned to hell and upon whom hell had become wâjib.

13. It is mentioned in a Hadith that the person who listens to a single letter of the Quran while he is in a state of wudû, 10 rewards will be written in his favour, 10 sins will be wiped out, and his status will be elevated by 10. The person who recites a single letter of the Quran while he is sitting down and offering his salât, 50 rewards will be written in his favour, 50 sins will be wiped out, and his status will be elevated by 50. The person who recites a single letter of the Quran while standing shall have 100 rewards written in his favour, 100 sins wiped out, and his status elevated by 100. Allah Ta'âlâ will write one du'â in favour of the person who recites the Quran and completes it. This du'â will be accepted immediately or after some time.

14. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that the person who recites the Quran, praises Allah Ta'âlâ, sends salutations to Rasûlullâh sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam and asks forgiveness from Allah Ta'âlâ has in fact asked for success from its appropriate place. In other words, he followed the appropriate method of making a du'â whereby it is hoped that it would be readily accepted. In this context, praising Allah Ta'âlâ means that one should say "Alhamdulillâh" or words that have a similar meaning. To make du'â in this way after having recited the Quran has a special effect in the acceptance of du'âs as is apparent from this Hadith.

15. It is mentioned in a Hadîth that you should teach Sûrah al-Wâqi'ah to your womenfolk because it is the sûrah of wealth. In other words, by reciting this sûrah, one becomes wealthy and all the necessary expenses can be paid easily. Apart from this, one is endowed with internal "wealth" as well. As mentioned in another Hadîth that the person who recites Sûrah al-Wâqi'ah every night will never experience any shortage in his sustenance. Since women are weak-hearted, they become extremely distressed at the slightest hardship. It is for this reason that they have been specifically mentioned. On the whole, this sûrah is beneficial to all those seeking wealth; whether they be male or female.

16. The best reciter of the Quran is that person whom when he is heard, you get the impression that he is fearing Allah Ta'âlâ. This means, that he reads with attention and concentration similar to that of a frightened person speaking in the presence of a king or ruler, ever on-guard that he does not say or do anything out of place.

The best way of reciting the Quran is for the person to make wudu', sit in the direction of the qiblah with humility, and begin his recitation thinking that he is conversing with Allah Ta'âlâ. If he understands the meaning of the words, he should ponder over the meanings. Wherever the words of mercy are mentioned, he should ask for Allah's mercy. Wherever His punishment is mentioned, he should ask for refuge in Allah from His punishment. On completing his recitation, he should praise Allah Ta'âlâ, send salutations to Rasûlullâh sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam, ask for forgiveness, ask for any of his other needs, and then send salutations to Rasûlullâh sallallâhu 'alayhi wa sallam at the end. While reciting the Quran, as far as is possible, do not allow other thoughts to enter the mind. If you happen to think of something, do not worry about it, it will disappear on its own. When reciting the Quran, try and wear clean clothes.

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