by Shakir Mumtaz (American Chronicle)
First and foremost is the intention, that one is going to present oneself in the court of the highest of the Lords-Allah (swt), offering his or her slaveship (Ubudiah); invoking the Acceptance and Rahmah- mercy and compassion- of Allah (swt).
Although It is emphasized that prayer should be performed with all the attention and concentration, as an ultimate goal, it is not pre-requisite. That is why Allah (swt) has doubled the reward to those who struggle to concentrate fighting the intermeddling thoughts and distractions; one for fighting off the distraction and the other for the prayer itself. In other words, the sincere intention and performance is pre-requisite, whereas the utmost submergence and absorption is an ultimate goal.
Mutazzallites and Salafis are of the view that simple performance of cardinal pillars of Islam can elate a person spiritually and supererogatory prayers and other extensive exercises are not necessary, as normally the people of knowledge, Walis, Saints and Sufis do; which are not recognized by them as well. Other school of thoughts, however are in consensus on the belief that Allah (swt) can grant Kashf, Spiritual Elation to anyone He (swt) wills, regardless of recipient’s spiritual level.
The difference being that former do not feel the necessity of supererogatory prayers whereas the later always encourage, as the prophet (pbuh) used to perform supererogatory prayers very often.
The sincerely intentioned and attentive performance of prayers, other cardinal rituals and observance of moral and social limitations ordained is basic requirement for a Muslim to expect salvation.
The purpose of this explanation is to bring about the awareness and clarity of mind; of a very fundamental but extremely significant ritual, regardless of whichever persuasion (Fiqh) one may belong, for the attainment of realization, enlightenment and spirituality.
Those who are desirous of ascending to higher levels of enlightenment and spirituality, inter-alia, through this very basic avenue is its performance with awareness of the meaning, context, significance of each movement and utmost absorption.
It is recommended by the prophet (pbuh) that the Sunnah Prayers should best be performed at home so that the home should not be turned into grave-yard; meaning being deprived of the blessings of Allah (swt). It is generally the case that prayers at home are, most often, performed with ease of time, devotion and attention.
Thajjud/Qiyam-ul-lail is recommended to be performed between the hours of 3am & 4am since at this time maximum peace and tranquility prevails and maximum concentration could possibly be achieved. The performance of prayer during this time period also reflects on the dedication and sincerity of the offerer who sacrifices his deep sleep for the prayer. This gesture of Ubudiah is very dear to Allah (swt) and abundance of awareness and spirituality could be achieved.
This is noteworthy that this particular prayer was made mandatory for the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).
Before getting to practicality of prayer it is important to know that
5-prayers were gifted by Allah (swt) to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) for his Ummah ( community of followers) when he ascended to Heavens.
( Isra & Meraj)
Start of the Prayer.
(Before the recitation of the actual surahs).
Verbalizing the intention, as is very common in Asian countries, is a matter of choice not mandatory as the act of standing for prayer, after ablution, facing towards Ka’aba constitutes a potent intention.
Takbeer: Allah-o-Akbar (God is the greatest)
Chanting Allah-o-Akbar, to begin prayer, is Salutation and Adoration by invoking His Greatness to gain audience in His court; the world of Knowledge and spirituality.
One stands upright, both hands wrapped and head slightly bent down gesturing the utmost humility and submission.
Sana’a. Recite: Subhana kallahumma wa bi hamdika….
Oh Allah, the source of absolute purity, deserving all the praise, Your names are of immense blessings, Your everlastingness is unquestionable and of the highest status, and there is non worthy of worship but You.
After expressing these gratifying emotions with utmost passion and sincerity the Offerer then asks for His (swt) protection from Satan.
Tau’wuz: Recite: Aouzu billah…
It evokes the Guardianship/Protection of Allah from the misleading and deceiving influences of Satan. It provides a protective shield against the “Waswasa” while reciting and concentrating on the meaning and essence of Surahs.
Tasmiah; Recite: Bismillah hir rahman nir rahim.
I begin with the name of Allah the most merciful and most compassionate.
(it dissolves one’s ego and pride in the presence of Allah (swt) and creates an ambience of humility and submission).
Just imagine! after such a passionate and sincerest start how come one may not garner the limitless compassion (Rahma) of Allah (swt).
Surah Fateha:
(Its essence and significance)
(compulsory 1st Surah in all prayers- Fard, Sunnah & Nafil)
The significance and impact of this Surah is overwhelming.
It was the very first Complete Surah revealed to Prophet (pbuh).
This Surah is not only the opening Surah of the Qura’an but also that of every prayer. It is assigned with about 50 names including the Mother of Qura’an as it contains the essence of entire of Qura‘an.
( Jalal-al Din-Sayyuti)
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said, nothing like this Surah had ever been revealed in any prior scriptures and “ it is these 7 repeated verses I was given”.
Surah al fateha:
Recite Al hamdu lilahi rabbil aalameen…….
When offerer says. Allah responds.
I adore and praise Allah (swt) who is lord of all worlds. He praised me.
All compassionate and merciful. He glorified me.
The lord of the day of judgment. He glorified me.
We worship you and seek your help. This is between me and my
Servant he shall get what he sought
Lead us the straight path of those This is between me and my Whom you blessed and not accursed. Servant he shall get what he sought
It is also said that when man offers prayer invoking God’s Rahmah, Qura’an is the answer from God to him.
Aameen: God (swt) accept my invocation. When the offerer says aamenn the angles in the haven join in saying the same and the offerer’s previous sins are forgiven.
Second Surah:
Surah Ikhlas:
(Which is normally offered though it could be any Surah).
This Surah was revealed when the Pagans asked Prophet (pbuh) to tell them the genealogy of his Lord.
The importance of this Surah could be recognized from the fact that it is described as equal to 1/3rd of Qura’an ( Ibn-e-Tammayya).
Qura’an consists of three parts as follow.
1) Commands & Prohibitions.
2) Narratives/stories of prophets and people, their actions and the rewards or punishments.
3) Knowledge and essence of Tawheed.
Surah Ikhlas provides the core essence of Tawheed.
Surah Iklas:
Say o (Mohammad, pbuh) God is one. (Al Ahad: a more emphatic expression than Wahid is used here).
Allah is self-sufficient. (The best translation is “Eternally besought of all”).
He begot none and None begot Him.
None is of His similitude.
He is the only one of its kind.
( He is beyond human imaginations, without any relatives or source of His existence. He is alone worthy of worship. Any similitude, association, or partnership, in what ever form, is blasphemy and negates the core of monotheism)
Bending down half-way saying Tasbeeh: Subhana Rabbi Al Azeem.
(Allah (swt) is of the Highest Grace and Honor)
It is a gesture of even greater humility and submission as if the offerer is standing half bent right in front of Him (swt) uttering the Tasbeeh with utmost devotion pronouncing his absolute servitude to Him.
One straighten up and invokes his acceptance by reciting
Sam’e Allaho Le man hamidahu rabbana lakal hamd.
Allha (swt) listens to those who praise Him. Oh our sustainer we do praise You.
Sajda: Prostration.
Kneeling down, touching the ground with the forehead and both palms.
It is the gesture most liked by Allah (swt) as this is the extremity of devotion and respect and offerer utters the words of Tasbeeh- Sajda.
Subhana Rabbi Al Aala’a. Invoking the unique and exclusive highest status of the lord of the lords Allah (swt).
This gesture is of utmost psychological and spiritual consequences.
The act of bowing down of a human being to any one else is extremely difficult as it confronts and challenges the ego and self respect of an individual. It is the state of absolute negation of personality, individuality, pride, respect, intellect and everything. This is the same gesture which Allah (swt) made Angels perform to human-Prophet Adam (AS) But the Satan refused. (Satan who, contrary to Christian belief is not an Angel as the Angels are free from sins or mistakes, was a jinni and very close to Allah having a very high status due to his devotion and servitude to Allah)
This advent is of immense significance in the scheme of creation. Prostration of Angels to Human Places the Human on a higher plane than Angels; signifying the Conquest of the universe for human being. Expulsion of the eternally devout Satan from the higher echelon of spatiality to an Accursed-Evil status with a vital but negative role to play till the day of judgment. The message here is that Allah(swt) if often forgiving but is also stern to those who transgress, regardless of their devotion and status.
When we prostrate to Allah (swt) sacrificing our “ego-self” unreluctantly for the sake of His compassion and mercy He showers the abundance of His endless mercy and blessings.
The pride, egoistic attitude, sense of superiority all drains down into the earth as it is the best of the conductor. Walking erect and tall ( with pride and vanity) human-being gathers all impurities and his heart becomes contaminated which need to be poured.( it has been ordained to keep one’s gaze down and not to walk on earth stomping one’s feet with pride). Prostration to the Creator Provides unique opportunity whereby one is first neutralized and then synchronized with the universal forces which are all praying and praising the Creator-Allah (swt) in unison. Human-being being His “vice-regent and crown-of-creation” thus leads the entire universe in prostration and is rewarded as follows.
Tasha’hud: At ta hayyatu lilahe…….
This is very unique part of the prayer as it rewards the offerer the witnessing of the conversation between Allah(swt) and Prophet (pbuh) during his ascension to Havens in the following words.
Prophet: Atta hayyatu lilahe was salawatu wat tayyebatu.
(pbuh) All my devotion, prayers and everything tangible or intangible
for you my lord.
Allh: Assalamu alaika aiyyuhan nabiyu wa rahmatullahe wa
(swt) barakatuhu.
My Peace, Blessings and mercy be unto you o my beloved Prophet.
Prophet: Assalamu alaina wa la ibadillahi saliheen.
(pbuh) Peace be unto all of us slaves and those who are righteous.
( Here prophet (pbuh) includes the entire humanity in Allah’s blessings alongwith the saliheen; thereby the title accorded to him by Allah (swt) as Rehmatual lil aalameen “Mercy for all mankind and universe” is justified. ( it is note worthy that his title is not Mercy for the Muslims but for the worlds---the entire universe, all creations including mankind).
Offerer witnesses the conversation between Allah and His Prophet and becomes overwhelmed and emphatically testifies,
Ash hadu an la ila ha illal lah wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan Abduhu wa rasuluhu.
I testify that there is no god but God and that Mohammad is His slave (human-being) and prophet.
(It is defined in categorical terms, leaving no doubt, that the Prophet (pbuh) was a human first and then Allah’s (swt) Messenger)
(This is the second highest station of spirituality in the prayer after the prostration).
As a gratitude, that Allah sent Prophet Mohammad as the mercy for all mankind, offerer then invokes Allah’s blessings for the Prophet and his descendents in the manner Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his descendents were blessed. (Jews and Christians alike)
(Note the stark difference; The Christians worship Jesus Christ (pbuh) assuming him Divinity and ask him for salvation Whereas Muslims Pray to God only invoking His (swt) mercy for the Prophet (pbuh), self and the entire humanity).
Dua’a: Rabbij alni muqimus slate……..
O Allah make me establisher of the prayer along with my descendents.
O Allah accept my prayer.
O Allah forgive me, my parents and those who are righteous on the day of judgment.
Ending the prayer with greetings to the two witnesses ( two angels assigned for our protection and recording of good and bad deeds) who have been witnessing the minutest details of the state of one’s heart and the participation of body parts recording all acts and feelings during the worship).
Assalamo alaecum wa rahmatuallah. Peace and blessing of Allah be unto you.
prayers offered repeatedly, understanding the essence coupled with devotion and absorption followed by the Zikr (Invoking Allah’s names or virtues, reciting Qura’an and other masnun dua’as repeatedly) the doors of enlightenment, knowledge and spirituality are bound of open.
1) This piece is not meant to teach the modalities of the prayer therefore the repetitive utterings and movements have not been addressed.
2) It is peculiar way of Allah to Pronounce Himself in Plural instead of singular and so are most of the Dua’as having plural pronoun. It also has been interpreted that the Dua’as are for the entire humanity at large including the Seeker/offerer.
3) Abbreviations used are as follow.
Swt--- Subhana wa taala----Allah of the Highest status.
Pbuh---peace be upon him.
AS--alae his salam--God shower his Mercy on him; this is used only for the prophets or the messengers of Allah.
RA---razi Allah anhu---God be Pleased with him. This is generally used for the Companions of the Prophets, Imams and persons of religious status.
Musnun---Those acted upon, said, allowed or approved (categorically or by abstaining from rejection) by the Prophet.
4) Arabic terms used.
Ubudiah-- servant, slave, human.
Mutazallites, Salafis-- these are two school of thoughts developed in the early Islam.
Kashf-- the knowledge which could be given by Allah to his servant in many ways except as direct revelation to the prophets.
Fiqh--it is the scholarly interpretation relating to the practical aspects of Islam.
Tahajjuc/Qiyam-ul-lail--first one is which is performed when one gets up from the sleep in the early hours of the morning. Second is if one does not sleep, for some reason, and yet offers his early hours or late night prayer.
Qiyam--standing upright.
Sana’a--praising God/ Allah (swt)
Tau’wuz--asking for protection against satan.
Tasmiah--Beginning in the name of Allah/God (swt)
Tawheed-- root word is “Ahad” derivative Wahid and Tawheed which means one & Monotheism.
Fard--mandatory. Sunnah--already explained under Masnun. Nafil--additional, supererogatory ( non performance of which does not entail any punishment)
Tasbeeh--Praising God/Allah in short uttering as in tasbeeh ruku and tasbeeh sajda.
Tasha’hud--Witnessing the oneness of Allah/God(swt) and also that Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) is His servant and messenger.
Durud--it is invoking God’s mercy and compassion for the Prophet only.
Dua’a--it is asking God/Allah (swt) for any material or spiritual thing.
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